Yieldy: Pioneering Transparency in Investments


In a realm often marred by hidden fees, mistrust, and the underhanded tactics of some players, Yieldy emerges as a beacon of hope. Crafted with revolutionary algorithms and an intuitive user interface, Salim's brainchild, Yieldy, is set to redefine the way people invest. His vision? A straightforward, transparent, and trust-centric approach to trading.

raises 500k
Yieldy is an investment superapp.

The Challenge

The aspiration of reshaping the investment world came with its set of hurdles for Salim Benabess. Building an app, particularly one as ambitious as Yieldy, requires considerable funds and resources. Add to this, Salim’s rookie status in both entrepreneurship and fundraising, and the mission seemed almost insurmountable.

Our Approach at Starfounders

  1. Crafting an Invincible Equity Story: While a great product speaks for itself, in the investment world, a compelling equity story can be the difference between a missed opportunity and a closed deal. We helped Salim sculpt a pitch that was both authentic and irresistible.
  2. Identifying the Right Investors: Instead of casting a wide net and hoping for the best, our approach was strategic. We pinpointed angel investors whose philosophy and interests aligned with Yieldy's mission, saving Salim from knocking on the wrong doors.
  3. Setting Up Crucial Meetings: With the target audience defined, we rolled up our sleeves and secured appointments with these potential angel investors. This not only increased the chances of securing funds but also of building meaningful partnerships.
  4. Perfecting the Pitch: A good story is only as effective as its storyteller. We trained Salim in the art of storytelling, ensuring that each investor call wasn’t just a presentation, but an engaging dialogue that resonated with his audience.

The Remarkable Outcome

In the world of startups, three months can seem like a fleeting moment. But for Yieldy, these 90 days, with Starfounders by its side, were transformative. From being just an idea and some slides to raising an impressive $500K – Yieldy's journey is a testament to the power of the right strategy and guidance.

With its noble vision and the foundational support from Starfounders, Yieldy is poised to make waves in the investment sector. Watch this space as we detail more incredible journeys of startups supercharged by Starfounders' expertise.